© 2025 Kari Eveli and Lexitec. All rights reserved.
Proudly made in EU
US keyboard and European Accents
A unified solution for entering accents In many languages
AccentCompose system
AccentCompose is a unified US keyboard hardware-based European multi-layout,
keyboard driver and Compose key system.
1. US-layout (ANSI) keyboard
2. a current Windows operating system, free open-source WinCompose program
Optional: keyboard stickers for the national additions (e.g. ü, ä, ö for German, à, é, è for
French, etc.), and circumflex (ˆ) and umlaut (¨) signs. For all languages, only 5 keycaps
would need relabelling. Greek and Cyrillic and many symbols rely on layout diagrams and
the comprehensive cheat sheet.
Included in the AccentCompose solution are:
1. a set of keyboard layouts for different European languages with national additions
2. a custom .XCompose file for entering accented letters (requires free WinCompose)
3. Windows installers for keyboard drivers (DLLs) for all the supported languages
4. keyboard layouts and the Cheat Sheet (PDFs) to be easily printed and laminated
List of supported national languages and custom AccentCompose layouts: Czech, Danish,
Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian,
Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbo-croatian, Slovak, Slovenian,
Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and US English with full accent support (much easier than the
US International keyboard).
Supported characters
AccentCompose key sequences are
simple to remember. The system
supports the entry of:
• accented letters
• ligatures
• superscripts & subscripts
• enclosed alphanumerics
• punctuation
• symbols
• currencies
• math & logic
• fractions
• Greek
• Cyrillic
• IPA phonetics
As the system is editable, you can
add and modify characters at will.
Swedish/Finnish keyboard with 5 stickers (Å, Ä, Ö, ˆ, ¨).